"The Daily Life Detectives' Office" is an engaging exploration into urban research through the lens of detective work. The book delves into the innovative concept of using detective methods for urban analysis. It captures the journey of a group of detectives who gather seemingly mundane information from the streets and scrutinize it to uncover deeper insights into the city's fabric. Their first project, "The Eşref Efendi Incident," showcases how detailed observations and drawings of a single street can reveal a rich tapestry of urban life. The narrative is set against the backdrop of a workshop organized at Istanbul Bilgi University, which later inspired the establishment of the detectives' office. This book is not just about the methods of urban examination; it's a vivid portrayal of how everyday city life, often overlooked, holds intricate stories and complexities. It emphasizes the potential of critical urban practice to transform our understanding of the spaces we inhabit.
Authors: Oğul Öztunç, Cansu Cürgen, Avşar Gürpınar
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